TechTool What it is TechTool is an important Mac utility program. It does five things beautifully: (1) Checks your system files for damage. (2) Zaps your parameter RAM (PRAM) in a more thorough way than pressing the usual keystroke, @Cmd-Option-P-R. (3) Rebuilds the desktop; once again, TechTool does better than the usual @Cmd-Option keystroke, since it actually deletes the old desktop file instead of just rebuilding it. (4) Shows system and drive info about your particular Mac. (5) Shows manufacture date and hours of use! Find out when your Mac was made and how many total hours of usage it has had.   What you need System 7 or later. Installation summary Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the TechTool folder; if you like, drag the TechTool program icon to your hard drive. The manual TechTool’s user guide is a SimpleText document in the TechTool folder. Help is also available within the program. Notes and credits TechTool is provided courtesy of MicroMat, makers of MacEKG diagnostic software. Internet: eWorld: MicroMat AppleLink: MicroMatComp CompuServe: 71333,166 America Online: MicroMat